
mental breakdown

instead of catching up on my readings, lets just complain.

1. I missed the deadline by HOURS to change my courses to pass/no pass. so now my GPA is going to be screwed over. I'm so happy. Not. What the fuck.
2. I don't have my planner, it's at my boyfriends. So that means: instant mental breakdown.
3. I have to shower, really bad. But the whole burden of reading, schoolwork, and just SCHOOL seems more important than personal hygiene.
4. I regret doing nothing today, even though I'm still doing nothing.
5. I hate not having my life in 100% control.


For the first time in 7 weeks, I went shopping. Like SHOPPING.
I just made a stop at Forever, because it was my friends birthday party and I wanted a new dress. So, leave me alone.

It looks really, "eh" but it looks super cute on. And I know its CHEESY but it comes with a "built-in" waist belt. But I added the grey belt to it, nothing super flashy (it was a black cocktail party).

ill post a picture of myself later.
all the party pictures don't really show how pretty it is.
oh and for my coat, i wore my purple tulle coat <3



I've stumbled on some interesting signs during my time period here in the Eugene.

1. In an alleyway of a hospital on Hilyard. The only sign that says that.. odd.
2. Found when I got lost on High St. (Eugene). Such a sad posting, and the sign was originally in bright pink, but i edited it to be in b&w, more sentimental.
3. Espresso Roma on 13th (Eugene). This is in the condiments area, and it's talking about the toaster.. I guess people stick knives and forks in there. Odd. Oh, if you can't see, in the corner of the sign, someone scratched in "that's what she said". I guess that's the funny part of the sign.

That was my funny note of my blog.
Onto more interesting (yes more interesting than funny signs) things.

The flu is currently making its way. And being on a college campus, I'm bound to get it. Thank GOD I don't live in the dorms, I would be more of a hypochondriac than I already am. And I would not get anything done, and I would be fat. Whew.. that was a lot out of me about dorms.
But yes, my throat hurts, a lot. :)

After I finished my midterm, I made my way (in the freezing rain/cold) to the bookstore.
*don't wear flats in the rain, icky icky feet*
I went to the bookstore to kill some time. And looked at some college books (transferring), and I decided on my sister's graduation gift/card. Since she reads my blog, here is a hint Cindy.

Haha :) The picture is edited, so it may or may not look like that .
Who knows.
Well, I do.
And some.

Hm, maybe I'll post more later.
But I have some studying to do.





i learned a very hard lesson last term: to not put off studying until the night before of a midterm. this term i've done a better job at actually staying on top of my readings and actually going to lecture and taking good notes. :)

but it's hard to try to study so much lately because my body seems to be going against what i really want to be doing. i've been really tired lately and not wanting to get up out of bed. i would rather just lay in bed and just sleep my entire day away and just get up to go to the bathroom. i seriously think there is something physically wrong with me, because even though i am usually a lazy person, this is getting out of hand.. :/

well back to studying for me.
hopefully i can actually get some good notes in from my readings. :)




Cost: $11 + tip
Place: Tracktown Pizza
Location: Eugene, OR
Review: I've heard a lot of .. different things about Tracktown Pizza. I've heard it's the best pizza you'll ever taste, but the price is unreasonable for a large pizza. That's the main reason I strayed away from it. And when I saw the actual building, it looked..plainly, gross. But University of Oregon has a "student handbook" which has coupon for all the good food, recreational, shopping places in Eugene. I found a coupon for $11 + free delivery and I gave in. I must say, the pepperoni is actually spicy, and I really liked the small pieces. Hands down, best pizza ever.