
mental breakdown

instead of catching up on my readings, lets just complain.

1. I missed the deadline by HOURS to change my courses to pass/no pass. so now my GPA is going to be screwed over. I'm so happy. Not. What the fuck.
2. I don't have my planner, it's at my boyfriends. So that means: instant mental breakdown.
3. I have to shower, really bad. But the whole burden of reading, schoolwork, and just SCHOOL seems more important than personal hygiene.
4. I regret doing nothing today, even though I'm still doing nothing.
5. I hate not having my life in 100% control.


For the first time in 7 weeks, I went shopping. Like SHOPPING.
I just made a stop at Forever, because it was my friends birthday party and I wanted a new dress. So, leave me alone.

It looks really, "eh" but it looks super cute on. And I know its CHEESY but it comes with a "built-in" waist belt. But I added the grey belt to it, nothing super flashy (it was a black cocktail party).

ill post a picture of myself later.
all the party pictures don't really show how pretty it is.
oh and for my coat, i wore my purple tulle coat <3

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